Legal Notice


This information is valid for all websites of the responsible person mentioned below, especially for all pages hosted under the Internet domains,, or any of their subdomains.


Hermаոո Andreas FASS, _ Koelner Strasse 54, _ 54294 Trier


Legal Notice

By visiting my website, I assume that you agree to the contents of the following two documents (pages):

Both documents are in German language. Sorry for that, but I don't feel too much at home in Legal English. If you do not understand (as a matter of language skills or lack of translation tools) aforementioned documents, and/or if you disagree to the content of these documents, please do not use any of the information published on any of my websites.

The following is a short version for quick reading. In case of conflicting information, the above mentioned German documents prevail.

Website Content

The content of my pages was put together with as much attention to detail as possible. Nevertheless, I do not take responsibility for the correctness, completeness and topicality. Using the information published here is fully at your own risk.

Responsibility for Links

I may use links to external websites managed by third parties. As I have no influence on such external content, I do not take responsibility for such linked content. Linked content is under responsibility of the respective owner or operator of the linked pages. At my best knowledge, I place links to correct and legit external web pages. However, note that the owners or operators of the linked pages may remove, change, or replace content at any time without my knowledge. Should you, after clicking on a link to a page, detect unlawful or wrong information on such a page, please let me know. I will immediately remove the link then.


German copyright law applies (implicitly) to my websites. Copying, changing, distribting and/or any usage beyond copyright law require the written consent of the author or creator. That is, in the scope of this document, myself. For content or other material that has not been created by myself, I respect the copyright of any (third-party) creators. Should you find any copyright issue on any of my pages, please inform me as soon as possible. When I become aware of a copyright issue, I will remove the respective content or acquire the permission to publish it from the copyright holder.

Data Protection

Using my pages does usually not require personal data. Should I ask for personal data (like names or addresses) the provision of such data is voluntary. Such data will not be forwarded to third parties without your explicit consent.

Data transmission over Internet (for example via email) may be subject to security vulnerabilities. A 100% protection against access by third parties is not possible.

I expressly contracdict the use of contact data published on this and other pages (e.g. in the context of imprint obligation) by third parties for the purpose of sending advertising or other unsolicited information. I expressly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited advertising, for example through spam mails.